How to manifest your dreams

What if you could manifest your dreams, with ease and flow?

What if all it took was a shift in consciousness?

In this video and blog, I am going to share with you how to manifest the life you truly want to live, by listening to the longing of your heart.

You can watch the video above or, if you prefer, you can read the script of the video below

The key to this process and the key to manifesting anything is to get out of your head and into your heart, so your true heart desires can be activated, and realised.

If you would like to experience the joy of living in your heart, and of having a balanced mind, don’t forget to get my free video course on how to free yourself from worry and over-thinking and have peace of mind. 

Here is the link to access it:

Sending much love and many blessings


How to manifest your dreams: SCRIPT


In this video I am going to talk about how listening to the longing of your heart is truly the key to manifesting your dreams.

It is the gateway to liberation, freedom and joy, and to awakening.

It is not just about listening to your dreams and aspirations, although these are precious voices that is wonderful to listen to! By listening to your deep desires, and by saying yes to what your heart longs for, you give yourself the opportunity to align your whole being with what is truly possible for you: your potential, your life purpose, and your fulfilment.

This is wonderful! 

However this is possible only when we are able to authentically align ourselves with our desires. Yet often, we are not able to. We don't give ourselves permission to fully dive into our “yes”. 

I believe that the reason why we don't often say a full authentic “yes” to our dreams, is because we are not used to say “yes” to the longings of our hearts that emerge in our day to day experience. We are focused outerly, and we are not familiar with our inner landscape. We rarely stop to listen to what is happening inside. 

The real deep transformation happens when we start listening to the longing of our heart in our day to day interaction with our inner world. When we learn to do that, and we become familiar and intimate with our inner self, then and only then we become able to listen to our wildest dreams, and to manifest them, to enjoy them, and to live them.

The key to manifesting your dreams is to become intimate with your inner world.

The way our inner world talks to us is often in the form of emotional states that might or might not feel good in the body. The problem is that we tend to run away from the states that don't feel good, instead of realising that they can truly be our gateway to heaven! 

For example, if we feel lonely, we usually feel sorry for ourselves, and we dwell in our loneliness or we look for comfort in food, or in other coping strategies, or we desperately look for company from a place of lack, in the hope that this emotional state will go away. Only to find that the same emotion comes back up again at a later stage.

However, a simple little secret could change this pattern forever, and bring about amazing results.

The secret is this:

The longing of your heart tells you who your really are and your true potential.

In other words, the longing of the heart talks to you about a quality within you which is waiting to be recognised and activated, by you. Let me explain. Your would not be able to desire something, if that something was not already present in you as pure potential, waiting to be activated. 

You probably know that everything can be interpreted as energy and vibration, including human beings. In a different video I talked about how you are what you resonate with: you are what you like, you are what feels good in your body. This is true because in order for you to be able to resonate with anything, or to like anything, you must already have within you the specific energy that vibrates with what feels good to you. And this is how you get to know who you really are!

You are what you like, and you are what you desire. I will put a link to this other video on how to discover who you truly are though the law of resonance in the description. 

You are what you long for, you are what you desire.

Nothing that you may perceive as good, and desirable, is out of reach for you. This is because if you are able to generate the feeling of desire for something, it means that the corresponding vibration is already within you. If this was not the case, you simply would not be able to conceive that desire. It would not be present in your inner world, and you would not vibrate energetically at that level.

We have been conditioned to think that some of our desires or wishes can be “impossible”, or that some things simply are not for us. They might be for other people, but not for us. I have certainly suffered from lack of hope in my past. I used to think that love, joy, happiness and peace were not for me. I had desired those things for so long, and so strongly, only to be disappointed over and over again, so much so that at one point I gave up hope.

This was a protective mechanism coming from my mind, which was trying to prevent me from even trying to experience those beautiful things, in order to avoid the pain of disappointment. But by doing this, my mind kept me in misery.

However at one point, I discovered that this was a trap based on a false reality, an illusion: the illusion that we can desire something and not be able to obtain it. 

This is a huge illusion, that keeps many of us small, and sad, and unable to manifest our dreams.

I want to share with you that it is not true. Having gone to the other side, and having freed myself from this illusion, and having experienced the very things that my heart desired, beyond what I thought was even possible, I feel the urge to share with you the overwhelming news that you too can realise your dreams. 

The notion that you can't is simply an illusion, and a protection mechanism of your mind. In reality, it is impossible for you to conceive any desire if you don’t have the potential for that desire to come true. 

Anything your heart truly desires is yours already. If you desire something, it is for you.

In the past, when I felt lonely, I used to run away from this sensation, and hope that it would go away. I would feel lonely and yet often I would choose to avoid social situations in order to prevent any possible uncomfortable feeling that I might experience if I interacted with people. Call that a trap!

However when I realised that the gateway to heaven is becoming intimate with my inner world, rather than running away from any negative sensation, I chose to be present with them, and to listen to the longing of my heart. 

I realised that if I felt lonely, for example, this sensation talked to me about the longing of my heart. When I felt lonely, I deep down longed for connection, and for the warm feeling that comes with the knowing that I was not alone, and that I was supported, listened to, and deeply loved.

I realised that if this was the longing of my heart, it meant that those exact energies were already within me, waiting to be recognised, and activated, by me! It meant that I already had the potential for deep connection, for support, for oneness and for loving company within me. And by recognising this simple truth, I activated those energies within me, and embodied them.

In doing so, I created my reality from the inside out, by emanating the very same frequency that I once thought I was lacking: the frequency of oneness, companionship, love, support. I started to live in those vibrations, so much so that I started to see them reflected in my experience and reality.

I manifested not only real good authentic friends, but also the love of my life. I also went from lack and limitation to freedom, and abundance, in so many aspects of my life! And this is the same process that I guide my students and my coaching clients through, with amazing and powerful effects. The truth is:

If you long for something in your heart, it means that those exact energies you long for are already within you, waiting to be recognised, and activated, by you! It means that you already have the potential for it within you! By recognising this simple truth, you can activate those energies within you, and embody them.

In doing so, you can create your reality from the inside out, by emanating the very same frequency that perhaps you once thought you were lacking. You can intentionally start to live in those vibrations, so much so that you start to see them reflected in your experience and reality. The truth is:

You are the creator of your inner and outer world.

If you open up to this awareness, and you start to emanate the very same frequency that you long for (for example the frequency of love) then reality and circumstances re-arrange themselves to meet you where you are.

In this wonderful process, you get to recognise your power as creator of your reality, and you are empowered to be your own healer, your own guru, your own awakening guide. 

In the case of loneliness, rather than attracting lack of love and more loneliness, you start to emanate love and oneness and attract people and circumstances that reflect your new inner state.

If abundance is what your desire, it is an invitation to see how you already are abundant. It is a call for you to recognise the abundance of your being, and to rejoice in it, to be grateful for it, to celebrate it. You will then emanate so much abundance, that your external reality will reflect it back to you with ease and flow, without effort, sometimes through joyful inspired actions but with our struggle.

The truth is:

The longing of your heart is your way out of the illusion of lack and into the truth of the real you.

Your longings are a call to recognise anywhere you have not been seeing yourself as whole and complete, and to become aware of your true abundant self.

You will then stop “chasing” abundance, or love, or anything you may desire, and you will let reality gift you such things and come and meet you where you are.

It is the end of chasing, the end of struggling to get things, and the end of running away from yourself and running towards what you think you lack.

It is the way to true abundance, peace and happiness.

My wish for your true happiness, peace, and the realisation of your heart’s desires.

Now, I would love to hear from you! What resonated with you in this video, what are some of your thoughts, or realisations, doubts, or questions that came up while watching this video? I would love to read about it in the comments and I will be very happy to answer! 

Don’t forget to sign up for the free course on how to free yourself from worry and overthinking and harmonise your mind.

Sending much love and many blessings


About the Author

Dr Paola Bisicchia is an Awakening Coach, Holistic Therapies as well as a Doctor in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Her passion is to help awakening individuals to get out of their mind and into their heart so that they can align to their true self, their purpose and their joy.

  • Thank you Paola for sharing such deep and powerful wisdom, this all resonates well; listening to the longing and desires of the heart is the key to manifestation, recognising that, that which we long for is who we truly and authentically are. I hope you don’t mind me sharing some humble thoughts and questions from personal experience; listening to the heart desires when our external reality is not aligned with it can be a painful process, the illusion as you put it is brought about by some blocks; all low vibrational energies fear, guilt, not feeling worthy etc etc. So in the process of listening to the heart desires as the pain comes up, the work involves healing and working through these lower vibrations, do the “inner work” so to speak, and clearing the density that pulls on the heart to be able to activate the heart. My question is; should one focus on understanding and releasing the lower vibrations, i find sometimes this can be a long process that perpetuates the effort and focus on these lower vibrations.. or should one focus on creating positive higher energies using tools like visualisations, affirmations and “fake it till you make it” kind of way but this can be counterintuitive when energetically you still haven’t fully balances the lower blocks.. i am not sure the best approach.. i hope i am making sense.
    Thank you again for sharing your amazing work

    • hello! thank you so much for your beautiful comment, for your personal sharing and for your question, I am so glad the video resonated with you! Thank you for sharing so openly and vulnerably about the pain that comes up when you tune into your heart desire. You are so right about doing the inner work to heal the pain, in order to then lean into the heart’s desires from a higher vibration. I love your question and if I understand correctly, the idea would be that either we get stuck into the low vibrations and into a long healing process, at the same time “hanging out” in these lower vibrations, which may not be beneficial, or we “bypass” the low vibrations by focusing on higher vibrations, as you say, “faking it” until you make it, which would not, however, address or heal the lower vibrations. I agree with you that either approach would not be optimal: in the first case we would run the risk to amplify low vibrations, or even re-traumatise ourselves, or over-analise our wounds, which would leave us in a low vibration anyway, and in the second case our manifestation process would not be authentic and would be a sort of “spiritual bypassing”. I would like to suggest a third approach. If, when looking at the longing of your heart, pain or regret or other feelings come up which are related to wounds from the past, my suggestion is one: compassion. Looking at the wounded part from the perspective of your Higher Self, which has no judgement towards the wounded human self, but only has compassion. In this compassion, we embrace the wounded human self, but we don’t identify with it. We sit in the sit of the Higher self, we accept and welcome any emotion the human might be feel, and we love the human with an open heart. The key about this process is that we come from wholeness. We don’t go into separation, but we come from a place of wholeness and love. In this wholeness and love, everything is welcome, including our human wounds and emotions, and it is in that welcoming compassion that the human self comes back into wholeness as well. Does it make sense?
      I love your question and I love your courage and commitment to your awakening path!
      Sending much love and many blessings
      Paola xxx

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