Learn Reiki

“I found it intensely satisfying. Paola is an inspired and totally inspiring teacher: she is calm, lucid, direct and a joy to spend time with. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to learn from her.”


“A brilliant day in which Paola gently guided me through the practice of Reiki and ran through some useful meditations aimed at clearing your chakras and aura. I found the one on one teaching and opportunity to practice on Paola very helpful and healing indeed”


“Dear Paola, my lovely Reiki Master, thank you SO SO much for this weekend! I loved it all and I am so happy to have done Reiki 2! Much much love and heartfelt gratitude,


Reiki Courses

Learning Reiki is a wonderful way to deepen your understanding of your own healing abilities, as well as to develop them further for your own benefit and the benefit of others.

The benefits of learning Reiki go way beyond the acquisition of a new skill: it is a beautiful journey of self developement and self discovery, as well as a way to serve others with love.

Reiki is taught on a one-to-one basis, in order to give the student full attention and to allow the student to learn and practice with the Teacher/Master directly. However small groups are also allowed.

The Reiki 1 course is aimed at learning Self Healing and Treatment of friends and relatives. It cannot be used for treating paying clients. No prior qualifications are needed, but it is helpful to experience a Reiki treatment (or several) yourself before training. This is a one day course, but it can also be split into two half day sessions. The student is required to read part of the manual (included) before the course, so that the course can focus more on the practice and less on the theory .

The Reiki 2 course covers the Reiki symbols, as well as distant treatment.
Holding a level 2 certificate already allows you to apply for insurance and practise as a Reiki Practitioner for the general public. This is a one day course, but it can also be split into two half day sessions. The student is advised to read part of the provided manual before the course.

The Reiki 3a course gives you the title of Reiki Master Practitioner and
containes advance training and attunements, as well as additional symbols. With this course you can practice as Reiki Master Practitioner for the general public. This course is completed over two days.

The Reiki 3b course gives you the title of Reiki Master Teacher and allows you
to attune others and train others. It covers further advanced teaching and attunes and additional symbols. It is completed over two full days.

Usually 3 months of practice are recommended between Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 courses, in order to give the student a chance to practice on themselves as well as on friends and family. However but this is discretional to the teacher.

The diplomas and certificates are internationally recognised, and can be used to
practice all over the world.

This is the investment:

Reiki 1: £350

Reiki 2: £450

Reiki 3a: £500

Reiki 3b: £550

Concession prices available. Contact Dr Paola at info@lotusenergyhealing.com for more information on concessions

A £40 discount applies for students attending the course in small groups.

Here is what some of my students said about the Reiki courses:

I just had to write and say thank you having just completed my level 1 Reiki with you. Your deep understanding and practical approach made this a truly amazing day and it was fun as well”.


The day I spent studying Reiki with Paola was a revelation and an inspiration.She made everything perfectly clear and simple, but also magical and mystical at the same time. I am very much looking forward to continuing my studies with her”.


I found it intensely satisfying. Paola is an inspired and totally inspiring teacher: she is calm, lucid, direct and a joy to spend time with. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to learn from her.”


A brilliant day in which Paola gently guided me through the practice of Reiki and ran through some useful meditations aimed at clearing your chakras and aura. I found the one on one teaching and opportunity to practice on Paola very helpful and healing indeed


I really liked the reiki 1 course. Paola went with me through the whole reiki manual and all the practical technics, and she explained to me everything I wanted to know. Paola made me feel at ease and confortable all the time. We had also some practice sessions. I was extramelly happy with the course. I really recommend it.”


I thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with Paola. She was so warm and welcoming I felt she was an old friend. I particularly liked her way of teaching in that she would put forward another interpretation on something that allowed you to explore and expand your own mind. Paola has given me a much higher understanding of the power of reiki and I am looking forward to continuing my studies with her.”


How easy going but packed full of knowledge, great to get people to read the first 20 pages of the manual. Lovely surroundings, nothing too intimidating, close and secure area. Paola is an honest and caring teacher whose confidence in oneself exudes to others. I hope her Reiki teachings expand and expand..to enlighten the world. I immediately felt the effects of the Reiki: the next day, I concentrated on what I ate, and my thought patters.I could not wait to start my Reiki diary. I would definitely recommend this course.”


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