Awakening Coaching

‘At a time of great transition Paola supported me emotionally and physically with her great gifts of coaching, guidance, healing and compassion. She has allowed me through her work to be at one again with myself and the Universe. I am so truly blessed that she has been part of my healing journey’

Jo Frank

‘I don’t know how to begin to thank you, or to describe the feelings of peace and calm, well-being and joy which you bring with your wonderful gift of coaching and healing. I have felt a huge sense of freedom, relief and hope since my session with you.This comes from my heart, Paola. Thank you so very much. With love, Claire’


I found Paola through the internet and the coaching session with her was just wonderful. She helps people to release their pain and tension and to come back to their true nature. I’m glad I met such a strong and lovely person. Love, Mima’


Is Awakening Coaching for me?

Are you ready to start living YOUR life, the life YOU truly want and deserve, and not a life lived according to other people’s expectations?

Are you ready to stop living in your mind, and to start living in your body, in your instincts and in your heart?

Are you ready to see yourself for who you really are, and for the love that you truly are?

Would you like to start sharing the gift that you are with the world, and help others do the same?

If you replied “yes” to any of those questions, awakening coaching sessions will assist you in your journey towards your true self and your most delicious life.

Paola helps her clients to get out of their over-thinking mind and to gain confidence to trust their instinct, their heart and their deeper knowing, so that they can start living their life, according to what they really want, and in line with who they really are.

Paola enables her clients to start seeing themselves for who they really are, beyond the limitations of the mind, and to awaken and embody their true essence, with all their natural qualities and potential.

Physical, emotional or mental issues are transmuted, and her clients can become free to step into their true, fully realised self, and into their life purpose, for true fulfilment, deep peace, and joy.

What is Awakening Coaching?

Awakening Coaching is a talking therapy based on consciousness upgrades and energy processes that allow you to listen deeply to the calling of your heart, release old patterns that no longer serve you, wounds, traumas or old emotions, and open up to more of who you really are.

It is truly powerful and transformative, and it facilitates you in starting to love the life you truly want to live and to actualise your life purpose. 

Under the umbrella of Coaching Paola uses different techniques, like Body Wisdom Healing, which allows you to communicate directly with your body and heal and release physical or emotional symptoms, as well as accessing the deep wisdom of your body.

If there are specific issues that you would like to have clarity on, or things you would like to release, we can focus one or more sessions on those issues, however if there isn’t anything urgent or specific, we would follow a coaching path which involves 5 phases.

These are the 7 STAGES of Paola’s transformational coaching: A B C D E F

A. Activate your heart’s true desires. This is to see where you are at the present moment ad where you would like to be. This is about accessing the deep desires of your heart, and starting to activate them, from the perspective that if something calls your heart, it means that it is your potential and it is in line with your truth. We will then align you energetically with such potential, so you can start manifest it in your life with grace and ease.

B. Become who you really are. In this phase of the coaching, you will be facilitated in truly seeing yourself, perhaps for the first time, through eyes of unconditional love and truth, with a vision free from all the conditioning accumulated through life. You will see your potential for a fully harmonised mind, and life, and you will start activating and embodying your potential.

C. Complete your past, so you can be free from old wounds and conditioning. During these sessions we will harmonise and shift anything in the way between you and your true self and your full potential. We will shine the light of awareness into the past, so that you can truly let go of what no longer serves you, and find harmony and peace with all of the past. This is where the true alchemy happens: the past is full-circled and seen from an empowering prospective, where it becomes a spring-board for you to dive into your true, free, awakened life.

D. Dissolve old identities and roles, which don’t reflect who you truly are. In this phase we look at the roles you play in life which you haven’t truly chosen from a place of consciousness and freedom. Roles like mother, daughter, father, friend,. worker, etc., which come with a set of rules you need to follow in order to be accepted and fit in, but which actually limit you. You will be facilitated in letting go of those, so you can live the life you truly want to live, and not a life lived according someone else’s expectation.

E. Envision your life new with clarity and direction. This is where you get to manifest your life from a place of power, consciousness, choice and truth, so you can attract people, choice, circumstances and things that reflect your new awareness of who you truly are!

F. Focus on your True Self to stay centred in your love and wisdom. This is where you are given powerful, fast and effective tools that you can use in your life to stay centred in your truth. This way you will not be pulled off balanced by people or events, but you will be open to possibilities and ride the waves of life with gratitude, ease and grace.

G.Get out of your mind, and into your heart. This is where you get to harmonise your mind, and get out of the over-thinking, negative mind, which tends to control every aspect of your life. Instead, the mind can be a powerful tool to assist your heart and allow the desires of your heart to come true! Free from the control of the mind, you can now live from your heart and manifest your heart-centred, love-filled life.

How much are awakening coaching sessions and how long do they last?

A coaching sessions usually last two hours, and if there is time at the end it is complemented with Reiki, so that all the beautiful shifts in consciousness that happen during the session, can be integrated within the body with ease and grace.

The price of the sessions is £70 per hour, so for a normal two-hours session is £140.

If time or money are an issue, shorter treatments are also possible, just contact me by email, phone, or using the contact form in this website and I will be happy to discuss possibilities.

Terms and conditions apply.

Can I have a free discovery session to see if this is for me?


Please contact me for a free 15 minutes discovery phone call.

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