How To Free Yourself From Entanglement With Others
So You Can Be Your True Self And Realise Your Heart's Desires
It's time to embark on a journey of self-liberation and empowerment!
In a world where we often find ourselves entangled in the expectations and judgments of others, it can be challenging to break free and live authentically.
This video is here to guide you on this transformative journey. Let's dive right in and discover the steps to liberate yourself:
- Recognise the Power of Authenticity: Discover the importance of embracing your true self and how it impacts your overall well-being. Uncover the freedom that comes from living in alignment with your true authentic self.
- Identify Unhealthy Attachments: Explore the various types of entanglements we form with others, such as codependency, people-pleasing, or seeking validation. Learn to recognise these patterns in your life and their impact on your personal growth.
- Cultivate Self-Awareness: Delve into the practice of awareness to discern when you are being in line with your truth and when you are entangled. Learn to make choices that align with your authentic self.
- Set Healthy Boundaries: Discover the art of setting boundaries to deeply honour and respect yourself. Understand the importance of saying "no" when necessary so you can “yes” to what calls your heart.
- Discover the power of choice: you can choose to be free from entanglement and commit to live an authentic, empowered life!
Remember, the path to freeing yourself from entanglements is a personal one. Take your time, and celebrate every step forward. I believe in you!
You can watch the video above, or read the script below, and start your journey towards self-liberation.
Don't forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section! I'd love to hear from you and create a supportive community together.
Wishing you freedom, authenticity and joy!
Much love,
ps: Freedom from entanglement means being free to be your authentic self, rather than what the mind thinks you should be!
And if you would like to experience the joy of having a mind which is balanced and free from limitations, don’t forget to get my free video course on how to free yourself from worry and overthinking and harmonise your mind.
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TRANSCRIPT from the video:
How To Free Yourself From Entanglement With Others
So You Can Be Your True Self And Live Your Life Purpose
Hello! This video is about freeing yourself from entanglement with others, so that you can be your authentic self and live your life purpose!
I am going to explain why being free from entanglement is essential for you to live your purpose, in other words to truly get on with the reason why you came here on planet earth, and live your potential, and I am going to give you two tolls to free yourself from entanglement.
Why being free from entanglement is crucial for living your purpose?
Well, because when you are free from entanglement, you are free to be fully unapologetically yourself, and to shine your light! You are free to listen to your heart’s true desires, to live from your centre and to live the life you truly want to live and not the life others expect you to live!
This video is about the awareness that is required, and the choices that are required to be able to be fully free from entanglement and to be fully yourself.
A very important aspect of this is being able to be energetically free, in other words, not entangled with anyone else’s energy.
Regardless of the the way you understand our energetic nature: whether you call it your aura, or your energy, or your electromagnetic field, we can all recognise that we feel at our best when we feel whole, complete, centred and energised. When we feel that our energy is not being affected or pulled by others. In fact this is actually our natural state!
We are born whole and complete. If we observe young children, under the age of three, if they are lucky enough to be well cared for and loved, they embody this state of being, They live their life following the desires of their heart, being true to themselves, being free to express their true self.
And one of the reasons they are able to do so, is because they are not entangled energetically with others. Their energy is free, and they live from their centre.
How we get entangled.
What happens when we grow up, is that usually, sooner or later, we get entangled. It happens to all of us.
We are influenced by our parents, teachers, peers, society and we learn to interact with others not in ways that fully honour and express who we are and our true essence, but in ways that allow us to fit in, to be accepted, not to be judged.
There is a part of us, we can call it the separate self or the ego self, that wants us to fit in at all cost, in order to fell safe and in order to survive! This part of us is not truly concerned about the desires of our heart, or us being true to ourselves, living our purpose, but it only cares about survival, safety, and fitting in.
It’s because of this need to fit in that we learn to play different roles within our family, or with our peers, at school or in society. These roles allow us to fit in, but also to avoid judgement, to avoid what we think might disappoint others.
We become what we think we need to be for others, and in doing so, we entangle energetically with them. We learn to sense and anticipate what other people expect from us, so that we can fulfil their expectations, be accepted and get that sense of belonging and that sense of safety that our ego feels that we need.
We no longer live as the whole and complete, free being that we are, because we have entangled our energy with others.
How entanglement may look like.
This way of being can look in many different ways in our lives. Maybe we play the role of "the good son” or “the good daughter”, because we want to be loved and accepted by our parents, and we try to understand what is expected from us from our parents, or how to keep them happy, rather than really being our true self, and by doing so we entangle our energy with theirs. In other words, we sense, energetically, as well as emotionally, the expectations that they have, and this becomes like an energetic cord or rope that entangles our energy field with theirs, and it influences our choices, because it now has a pull on us.
Or maybe we play the role of “the good friend”, and we feel into what we think it’s expected from us as a friend, rather than being true to ourselves. If we do so, we energetically entangle with our friends. This way, when our friend expects something from us, we don’t even ask ourselves if this is something that we truly want to do, or if it is something that truly honours us, because we are energetically entangled, and we are not free to be fully ourselves. And if we even dare to entertain the though of not doing what they asked us to do, we feel resistance, because there is an energetic cord that connects our field to their field, and they can pull on it, taking us off balance. One way that they could do that, for example, would be to say that they would be disappointed if we said no to something they ask us to do, and when they say that, we feel bad at that thought of disappointing them, we feel a pull to actually fulfil their expectations, and this is because we are entangled, energetically, and we are not acting from our centre, our truth, but from this need to please others.
When we entangle with someone else’s energy, what we don’t realise is that we are actually serving our ego, and its agenda, which is to make us to fit in and have that sense of safety that comes from fitting in. And yet we don’t realise that this is making us weaker, not stronger. One might think that fitting in gives us safety, and therefore makes us strong, but actually in reality this makes us weaker. Why? Because when our energy is entangled with others, they can pull on us, they can take us off balance, and we live our life trying to keep this balance by playing all these different roles and by being someone for everyone else, and not for us! This is exhausting, and it weakens us.
And it also prevents us from living our life, the life we truly want to live, authentically.
And the problem is that in most cases we don’t even realise that we are entangled! We just live the consequence of our conditioning! And we play all these different roles in life that we didn’t truly choose!
This might seem all gloomy, but actually if we realise that this is the case, and I would say that this is the case for most people, then we can then do something about it! We can free ourselves.
What we can do to be free from entanglement.
At the beginning of the video I said that two things were needed for us to be free from entanglement. The first one is awareness! And the second one is choice.
With awareness, I can ask myself: am I playing certain roles in life, that I actually didn’t choose? Are some of these roles not in line with who I truly am, and my heart’s desires? Am I being influenced by others in a way that takes me off my centre, my balance and ultimately my joy?
If this is the case, chances are that I am energetically entangled with others, and the good news is that if I have realised that this is the case, I am already half way there!
The second step, is choice. I can choose to be free. I can choose to be myself. I can choose to come from my centre, my true self, and honour that being that I am, no matter what, no matter the requirements or expectations of others. I can choose to listen to the voice of my true self, and not to the voice of the ego self.
And this doesn’t mean becoming selfish, it actually means becoming generous, because it’s only when you are not entangled that you can authentically give the gift of your true self to others. If you are entangled you are not being your true self, and you deprive others from seeing, loving, and being with the real you! The truth is, entangled relationships are not true relationships. They are based on the need to be someone else for others. They are not authentic, because they are founded on the part of us that is not our true self, which is our ego.
What becomes possible when you free yourself from entanglement.
This is why being free from entanglement is crucial for your awakening path and for living your life purpose and also for having true authentic fulfilling relationships. Only when you free yourself from entanglement, you can be again like that three years old kid, that is true to themselves, and lives life listening to their heart’s desires, and express their true self with joy, sharing the gift of their authentic self with others.
Imagine what the world would look like if everyone was free from entanglement. If everyone recognised themselves, and others, as whole, complete, free to shine their life, to be their authentic self, and the gift that they are to themselves and the world. I would say that this would be amazing! And if you are watching this video, it means you are already in your path to be your true authentic self, free from entanglement, free to live the live the life you truly want to live and your life purpose. And to continue on this path to freedom and liberation, you can use the 2 tools that we mentioned: your awareness, and your choice. The choice to be free, and to be your true self.
This is one of the things I help my clients with: freeing themselves from entanglement and experiencing the joy that comes from being their true authentic self and shining their true light!
I would love to keep this conversation going with you, so if you liked this video, put a like on it! Also write a commend below, ask questions if you like, and subscribe to this channel or this page if you are watching this from social media, so you can be notified when I release a new video to support you in your awakening path.
Sending you much love
Thanks Paola. Love the 2 tools. Lived entangled all my life and so unhappy. Unclear about my choices. Conflicted by my attachments to stay safe
Thank you so much Tina for your comment and your share. Indeed the first step is awareness, and you already have it, which is fantastic! You can then choose to free yourself, and align to your truth, and your joy. Indeed a part of us wants us to stay “safe” and yet the type of safety that our ego-mind suggests, never really make us feel safe. If you’d like assistance in aligning with your truth, do explore my mini course “Get Out Of Your Mind and Into Your Heart”, or if you are called to have awakening coaching sessions, it would be my joy to assist you! Just send me an email and I will be very happy to assist. Many blessings, Paola