How To Find Peace Of Mind

Insights from near-death experiences


Do you ever wonder what life would be like if your mind was in total harmony,  balanced and peaceful?

In this video and blog we are going to explore how to find peace of mind, from a peculiar perspective. 

We are going to look at what people say when they come back from a near death experience.

Whether we believe that these experiences are a just a biological phenomenon, or a spiritual one, we can gain great insights on the nature of our mind, and on how to live with a mind that is balanced, and peaceful.

I can’t wait to share these insights with you, and to hear about your perspective on this!

You can watch the video above or, if you prefer, you can read the script of the video below.

Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear!

Love,  your friend


ps: if you would like to experience the joy of having a mind which is balanced and peaceful, don’t forget to get my free video course on how to free yourself from worry and overthinking and harmonise your mind. 

Here is the link for your free video course:

TRANSCRIPT from the video:

How To Find Peace Of Mind

Insights from near-death experiences

I have been intrigued lately by what people say when they came back from a near death experience.

In this video I am going to talk about the implications of what these people say both from the metaphysical perspective and from the physical perspective.

In other words I believe there are implications for us whether it is true that there is life after death, or whether these phenomena are just due to something that happens in the brain’s biochemistry just before death. 

What I am interested in is applying what we learn from these stories to our life, for our joy, for our balance and wellbeing. At the end of the video I will also look at the metaphysical implications, for those of you who are interested.

What people describe after a near-death experience

One of the things that really intrigues me is that many people who go through a near death experience describe a sensation of relief, relief from pain and fear, as if they were no longer capable of even perceiving pain, or fear. 

They also describe a light, and well as an overwhelming feeling of love, and support, all around them.

They feel loved, supported and safe, and they feel a natural feeling of love emerging from their heart and overflowing from their heart, and being directed to everything that surrounds them.

In other words, they feel immersed in a light that feels like love, and they are aware of themselves as the source of this love as well.

They also describe that they feel peace at the thought of dying, absolute joy and peace.

Of course human language is limited in describing such experiences and many of these people say that there are no words to describe the depth of what they were feeling.

They also often say that when they come back into the body, sometimes after being told that it wasn’t their time yet, they feel almost a disappointment, and a sensation of being constrained within a body which is is too narrow for the big, vast being that they experienced themselves to be. 

This is so fascinating, and it’s very interesting that one person, who also happened to be a neuroscientist, described the sensation of being completely free from fear and pain as if she no longer had a reptilian brain.

The reptilian brain

As you may know, this is the most ancient part of our brain, the part that is responsible for our physical survival and our basic instincts. It is the part that is activated when our life is in danger, when we need to run from fire, or a predator for example. 

When this happens, our sympathetic nervous system gets activated, and all our senses are heightened, adrenalin gets pumped into the blood stream and we become stronger, able to run faster, to react faster in order to save our life.

When the danger is gone, we then come back to normal, and our para-sympathetic nervous system becomes active.

This is when we are calm, when our breathing becomes deeper, when we can do activities like sleeping or digesting, when we can be peaceful and able to think clearly, and this para-sympathetic state is supposed to be our default way of being.

The problem though is that because of stress and trauma, for most of humanity, the reptilian brain is active a lot of the time, when it should not be, even when our life is not in danger. In other words, we often feel unsafe, and we experience a constant underlying level of fear, stress and worry.

But it’s not the reptilian brain per se which is the problem, in fact the reptilian brain is necessary to keep us alive.

The ego mind

The problem is actually our ego mind, which is the part of our mind that wants to protect us from pain, and that keeps us in fear and worry about anything bad that can happen to us, based on past traumas and pain. Interestingly, it seems to me that the ego mind has hijacked the reptilian brain!

But rather than being activated by real dangerous situations, it is activated by anything that reminds us of past pain or trauma. This trauma is usually about experiences that made us feel unsafe in the past, when we felt separate from love!

For example when we felt judged, or not appreciated, not loved unconditionally as a child. Because the ego uses the reptilian brain, it makes us feel exactly as if our life was in danger!

This is why the ego is tricky to overcome, because when it’s active, it feels as if it’s a matter of life or death. In other words, it has a very tight grip on us. We cannot think clearly, we have adrenalin running in our system, we feel anxious, and we go into worry and fear. But because the perceived “danger” never stops, and many circumstances reminds us of past traumas, we stay in a constant circle of fear and worry.

The way out: awakening

However there is a way out of this, and the way is awakening. Awakening to the truth of who you truly are. The awakening path is exactly about transcending the ego mind, and freeing ourselves from this circle of pain. And we can find insights and inspiration from the stories of people who had near death experiences.

What’s interesting about these stories, is that it’s as if in these people the reptilian brain was gone, and their ego was gone. They all felt a sense of peace, a lack of pain, a lack of fear, together with an overwhelming feeling of love.

They felt safe, because they were immersed in love, and because they were aware that they themselves were love. It’s because of this sense of safety that they no longer needed the reptilian brain, and the ego mind.


So what we can conclude from these stores is that if we know, deep down, that we are love in essence, and that we are indeed already immersed in love, even beyond what this reality may appear to be, we can find our safety too, and we no longer need the ego mind.

In other words, we have a choice. Either we live in order to feel safe, and to try and protect ourselves from pain, as a result of past trauma, and in this case we definitely need the ego mind, or we choose to live in order to be our true authentic selves, to discover who we truly are, to shine our light.

We can do so when we recognise that we are already safe, in the love that we are. If this is the case, the ego mind becomes more and more redundant and we can enjoy the gift of a fully harmonised mind. A mind which is peaceful, clear, and ready ti assist us, rather than keeping us in pain through worry and fear.

Metaphysical interpretation

Now for the metaphysical interpretation of these near death experiences. Let’s say that it’s true that what these people recall is truly what happens when we leave our body.

According to these stories, we become free from the constraints of the physical body, and free from the reptilian brain and the ego mind, because we no longer need either!

The reptilian brain was there only to ensure our physical survival, and of course it would dissolve upon death, because we are actually immortal beings! The ego mind is dissolved because the veil of illusion that we experience in this place is gone, and we recognise that everything, including ourselves, is love, so we no longer feel as if we need protection.

The awakening path is truly about lifting the vail of illusion, the illusion of death, and the illusion of separation from love, and recognising that indeed we are, and have always been, an eternal being of love, immersed in love.

Now I would love to hear from you! What are your thoughts about what I shared? Write your comment below and let me know your insights, your experiences, and ask questions if you like so we can all learn from each other. 

And don’t forget to access my free video training on how to free yourself from worry and over-thinking and harmonise your mind! You can see the link in the pinned commend below

Sending much love and many blessings


About the Author

Dr Paola Bisicchia is an Awakening Coach, Holistic Therapies as well as a Doctor in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Her passion is to help awakening individuals to get out of their mind and into their heart so that they can align to their true self, their purpose and their joy.

  • Dear Paola, thank you for sharing those thoughts…. The concept of awakening to our true eternal selves really resonates with me, because, during the hugely stressful and traumatic past few months I’ve had, I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to connect with that experience through meditation. It’s absolutely true, that when we reach our higher self and experience that blissful sense of being, everything else fades into insignificance and the ego and its worldly concerns disappears and we rest in bliss! I’m now working on maintaining that feeling through the ups and downs of everyday life…. Your thoughts and words are like a helping hand offering encouragement! Love and gratitude always, my friend,
    🙏🏻💙🙏🏻 xx

    • Dearest Claire, thank you so much for your insightful comment and thoughts, I am so glad the video resonated with you to confirm something you deeply know already and encourage you to pursue this deepest connection with your true self, that is wonderful! You are doing amazing and you are truly inspiring! Keep shining your beautiful light! Thank you so much for contributing to this conversation, you are a gift! Much love,

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