The importance of fun and play


I hope you this message finds you well, and peaceful.

These are very special, and challenging times. If you find yourself swinging from peace to fear, and if at times you feel overwhelmed or emotional, that is totally normal.

So much is going on that it is hard not to be affected!

Well, I am here to support you.I am here to offer to you simple and fast tools to help you let go of fear, centre yourself and even thrive in these very special times.

And yes, how to even have fun! 

You may think that there is no room for fun and play in this global crisis, and yet, this is exactly when we need it the most! This society considers fun and play not important, but it’s actually essential for your wellbeing, your strength and your immune system, as well as being an essential part of who you truly are!

Today is all about awakening to joy, fun, pleasure and creativity as a way to stay strong and healthy, but also as an opportunity to re-discover your playful nature, your lightness, and your child-like wonder.

In today’s video I share how to do so.

About the Author

Dr Paola Bisicchia is an Awakening Coach, Holistic Therapies as well as a Doctor in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Her passion is to help awakening individuals to get out of their mind and into their heart so that they can align to their true self, their purpose and their joy.

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