How To Free Yourself From Pressure
Hello my friend,
Imagine being free from any pressure.
Pressure from society, from family, from friends, and even from your own self!
Wouldn't it feel good, refreshing, liberating?
Well, I am here to tell you that this is totally possible for you.
In this video and blog I show you how.
You can watch the video above or, if you prefer, you can read the script of the video below.
Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear!
Love, your friend
ps: Pressure comes from our mind, even when we think that other people or circumstances are responsible for putting pressure on us. In reality, it’s us who internalise that pressure. However, we don’t have to. We can be free from pressure, but only when our mind is balanced. In this video I will show you how to do just that.
And if you would like to experience the joy of having a mind which is balanced and peaceful, don’t forget to get my free video course on how to free yourself from worry and overthinking and harmonise your mind.
Here is the link for your free video course:
TRANSCRIPT from the video:
Imagine being free from any pressure.
Pressure from society, from family, from your friends, and even from your own self!
Imagine how your life would feel like if you didn't have to deal with any external or internal pressure.
No pressure to perform, or to conform to what society expects of you.
No pressure to be the good friend, the good mother, or husband, or son, or daughter, or professional, or any other label that you may identify with and that others expect you to be.
Wouldn't it feel good? Wouldn't it be refreshing, and liberating?
With freedom from that pressure, you could start discovering and exploring your true self, at a deeper level. You would be able to explore who you really are, beyond all the labels that you have identified with, in a subconscious attempt to conform with society (or to rebel against it).
Free from those labels, you would have a chance to explore what you really want, what your heart wants you to experience in this life time, and you could start living the life you truly want to live, and not the life that others expect you to live.
It would be a revolution!
Most of us think that we are living the life we want to live, but we still have ways in which we feel pressure from others, or we put pressure on ourselves.
Even the pressure to do the “right thing”, or to realise our dreams, is still a form of pressure, and can become a source of stress.
What if you could be free from all and any types of pressure?
Well, I am here to tell you that this is totally possible for you.
And the key is love.
The key, like always, is awakening to love.
Love does not put pressure. On anyone. Not even on yourself.
When you tap into love, you discover that love and pressure cannot really go together.
Love wants others to be happy, to play, to enjoy, to discover, to live life as the adventure it is meant to be.
Love looks at everything and everyone as if they were kids playing with the sand on a beach. Love rejoices in their joy. Love delights at the deliciousness of their experience.
Love does not care whether they make the perfect sand castle, or the fanciest one. Love does not care if the sand caste crumbles, or falls apart. Love doesn't want them to “make it right”.
Love wants them, and you, to play, to learn, to expand!
If the castle falls apart, good! You learned something! If you want to jump on it and destroy it, good! You had fun! If you want to leave the castle project half way through and go play frisbee, good! You don't have to complete every project. Projects are there to allow you to explore and express who you are, and have fun in the meantime!
If you want to go under the umbrella and take a nap, good! Love looks at you while you rest with loving eyes, in awe at your perfection and beauty.
What if you were that Love?
What if this unconditional love was the true essence of your being?
When you awaken to the love that you are, you stop putting pressure on yourself. You start having grace for yourself, and you become tender with yourself. You start embodying that unconditional love that looks at every being like if they were kids on the beach, and rejoices in their joy. You realise that you are that Love. And you start looking at yourself with that same grace, and tenderness, and find yourself rejoicing in your own joy!
You realise that you don't “have to“ do anything! You don't even have to “do the right thing” or to even realise your projects at dreams. You can even give yourself permission to “mess it up”! As this can be part of your learning.
This does not mean that you stop caring about what you do, or about your choices, or that you give up on your dreams.
It means that if your projects and dreams come from a place of “having to” show yourself or others that you are good enough, or, ( even worse) that you are not a failure, then it is time to release that pressure as well.
It is time set yourself free.
And to only come from love.
That love that knows what's in the highest for you, beyond anyone else's opinion and even beyond the opinion of your own mind.
That love that delights in your own freedom, and joy, and expansion. That loves that wants you to live life as the joyful adventure that you came here to live.
The key is to get out of your mind, which is the source of any pressure, and get into your heart, where you can access and activate the love that you are. If you would like to experience this state of being, don’t forget to check out my online courses, and to get my free video course on how to let go of worry and over-thinking and harmonise your mind.
Wishing you a pressure-free, love-filled life!
Many blessings