Hello beautiful Being!

In this video, I dive into the important distinction between being and doing. We often find ourselves caught in the cycle of productivity, measuring our worth by how much we accomplish. But what if our value is actually unconditional?

I share my journey of reconnecting with the essence of simply being and invite you to join me in exploring this shift. I reflect on my own experiences of feeling split between the masculine drive to do and the feminine desire to just be. To help bridge that gap, I created a little practice: a decorated object from nature that serves as a daily reminder to embrace joy and authenticity in everything I do.

I hope you find inspiration in this video to reconnect with your true self and align your actions with what brings you joy. Let’s embrace our true essence together! Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments—I’d love to hear from you!

Sending you lots of love.


About the Author

Dr Paola Bisicchia is an Awakening Coach, Holistic Therapies as well as a Doctor in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Her passion is to help awakening individuals to get out of their mind and into their heart so that they can align to their true self, their purpose and their joy.

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