Discover Who You Really Are With The Law Of Resonance
In this video I share how to discover who you really are through the law of resonance.
This new perspective may radically change the way you view yourself and life!
You can watch the video above or, if you prefer, you can read the script of the video below.
What if we came here to discover, celebrate, and enjoy who we truly are, as a unique expression of an infinite life force energy?
If we observe young children, this is exactly how they live: they are on a quest to discover themselves, to explore and experience who they are, while living life as an adventure.
What if this was our true life purpose, even as adults?
When we discover who we truly are and then align to our truth, we start living more authentically, and we uncover and realise our full potential.
We realise then that we are a gift, to ourselves and to the world!
The key to this process is to go beyond what your mind thinks about who you are, and to go beyond the limitations of your mind!
And if you would like to experience the joy of having a mind which is balanced and free from limitations, don’t forget to get my free video course on how to free yourself from worry and overthinking and harmonise your mind, just click on this link to get your free gift.
I wish the joy of living, expressing and celebrating your true, authentic self!
With much love and many blessings
You can read the SCRIPT from the video below
Discover Who You Really Are With The Law Of Resonance
If you would like to discover who you Truly are and to experience the joy of finding, and embodying your True, Unique self, then you are in the right place, because in this video I am going to share with you a powerful tool to do just that.
If you are watching this video, chances are that you are interested in finding out more about this wonderful thing called “life”, and you are curious about unravelling the mystery of this even more mysterious thing called “You” or your “True Self”.
Today I would like to offer you a very powerful tool, to help you in your quest of discovering your True Self.
And the tool is this:
You are what you resonate with.
Let me explain, and do pay attention, because this concept can truly shift the way you look at yourself, and the way you look at life, in a powerful and radical way! We are not used to seeing things this way, therefore a simple example can help.
This is something that I experienced as a kid, when I was learning to play classic guitar in a group with other kids. In order to tune our guitars, one kid would play a string in their guitar, while the other kid would just hold the guitar in close proximity to the first one, without touching the corresponding string. If that string started to vibrate, by itself, it would mean that the two strings were in tune.
This is because when two strings are in tune, even if no one touches the second string, the potential for that specific note is already present within that string. The first string just activates that potential of the second string to vibrate. This phenomenon is called resonance, and it happens in sound, but it happens also for all types of energies.
Nikola Tesla said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”.
We now know this to be true: everything is energy and vibration, including ourselves. We are energy and vibration, and we can use this concept, and the law of resonance, to explore Who We Really Are. We are, indeed, what we resonate with.
If we witness, for example, a sunset, and we find it beautiful, or we are moved by its harmony and peace, our default way of interpreting this experience is that the beauty that we see is outside of us, it belongs to the sunset. Then we go home, and we think that the source of that beauty, harmony and peace was outside of us, so in order to feel that way again we need to re-expose ourselves to similar experiences again.
If we start thinking in terms of energy and vibration, our whole perspective of live shifts.
We realise that the fact that we are moved by the beauty of a landscape, and the fact that we feel goosebumps or we find ourselves marvelling at the harmony of nature, is a sign that the very same beauty, and the very same harmony, must already be present within us. The landscape is just an activator, that allows us to experience that beauty, that harmony, within ourselves.
Just like the first guitar activates the second one in its potential to vibrate, if we didn’t have inside of us, already, the exact vibration of harmony or beauty that we witnessed outside of us, we would not even be able to see that beauty, we would not be moved by it, we would be oblivious to it!
We would not have the capability within us to experience it, to feel it, because nothing within us would be able to vibrate at that specific frequency. Just like a guitar cord is capable of vibrating when exposed to the specific sound that is in resonance with its potential, we are able to feel the beauty and the harmony of a sunset, because that very same vibration is already present within us.
In other words, we are the beauty and the harmony that we witness. We are what we resonate with.
This concept can completely change our perspective of life! We are used to think that things, people, experiences are just outside of us, they have nothing to do with us. It’s just something that happens, or something we witness.
But what if the truth was much deeper than that? What if everything around us was an opportunity to discover who we truly are, through the law of resonance? We can discover who we truly are and our unique essence by tuning into what resonates with us, and what doesn’t
In conclusion, you are what you resonate with.
Also, you are what you like!
If you like a person, or a quality within that person, it means that the very same quality is within you. Usually when we see a person we like or admire, we think that the beauty of that person, or the quality we admire, is outside of us, it's in that person, to the point that in some cases we may feel that we lack those qualities, and we may compare ourself to that person, thinking we are “less than” them.
What we don't realise, most of the time, is that the experience of admiring a quality in someone else is our experience. It is not their experience. This experience happens within our being. The other person just activates in us the very quality that we admire. They are allowing us to play that string, to witness that potential within us.
If we really integrate this knowing, then jealousy, or the feeling of being “less than”another person, doesn't have a place in our consciousness any more. Rather than comparing ourselves to others, we become grateful, because those others are the activators of our own qualities and beauty. They allow us to experience ourselves, and to know ourselves better.
The same is true for love.
If we feel love for another person, we might be tempted to think that the other person is the source of our love. This is why we think that we need them. However, what if the other person was not the source, but the activator of our love? We are the protagonists of the experience of feeling love.
The other person is just activating our potential for love. We can then be grateful to them because they are allowing us to see all the love that is within us, and once we recognise this love, and witness it as ours, we can never lose it. Even if the other person goes away, the love remains. It is our love. The falling in love experience allows us to awaken the love within us.
So who are we really? We are what we resonate with. We are what we like.
If we like a beautiful landscape, we are that beauty. If we like a quality in a person, we are that quality. If we see a beautiful puppy and we find it tender and so cute, it is because we are oh so tender and cute. Otherwise we would not be able to feel those qualities, nothing in us would be able to vibrate with beauty, tenderness and cuteness. Those “strings” are already within us. We are all those qualities.
Therefore the next question is: how can you discover who you really are, and what makes you uniquely you? The answer is:
You are what makes you feel good in your body.
When I talk about “feeling good in the body” I am not referring to superficial feelings, but to deep profound states of peace, joy, harmony, bliss, expansion, and extreme comfort.
If you would like to start the journey of exploring your true, unique self, you can tune into your body, and see what experiences, thoughts and feelings make your body feel good. Then, you can conclude that you are those qualities. You are a specific set of vibrations that is unique to you.
If you like, for example, creating things, you are creativity. You are your unique and specific creative self. You are creativity expressed in a unique form. You are your specific flavour of creativity, which calls you to express it, play with it, enjoy it, evolve it!
If you like laughing with friends, or if you like comedy, if that makes you feel good in your body, then you are joy. You are free, carefree and liberating joy. You are joy, your unique vibration of joy, which feeds your soul and wants you to express it, share it, and rejoice in it.
If you like reading novels, and losing yourself in the world of fiction, you are imagination. You are the power of creating worlds in your mind, and living them. You are limitless imagination, your unique form of it.
If you like animals, ask yourself what qualities you like in them. It might be that you find them cute and tender: then you are that tenderness. You might like how they are capable of unconditional love: then you are unconditional love. If you admire a dog for how loyal it is, then you are loyalty.
Just ask yourself: what do I like? What makes me feel good, deeply good, in the body?
You will then find your Unique True Self, with all your Beautiful Qualities.
Wishing you a very happy and joyful exploring of your true self!
Sending much love